I bought this pretty little desk over a year ago for my sewing machine/craft space. But it didn’t offer enough space so I passed it on to the girls. I also found this poor old chair abandoned on the curb a year ago. I tore it apart and it sat in the basement waiting for the right inspiration.
Well the time finally came when I moved the white desk into little bears room in an effort to clean up the loft to show the rental property so we can hopefully get new tenants in here before we move.
I got some beautiful fabric from a friend of a friend and I knew it was perfect for this chair! Well the excitement got the best of me and I mis-cut the fabric! I wanted to do a bubble skirt but ended up having to piece together two sections for a regular ruffled skirt with a hem. No biggie just an oversight on my part.

I’m still debating on painting the desk Antoinette/old white. Since the rest of the room has been painted in Antoinette and Coco I don’t want everything matchy matchy. I thought maybe a 1/1 of Antoinette and Old white would be a nice soft color pallet for the desk. What do you think?
Here is how I finished the chair. This was the first time I ever made my own piping and it was soooo easy! I just took the chair seat and traced it onto some 2in foam and cut it out.

Next I covered the seat with my fabric and stapled in place. Then I made the piping and skirt. To make the piping I just got 2 yards of cotton cording. I cut a 2in strip of my coordinating fabric and folded it over the cording and pinned in place. Then I ran a tight straight stitch from one end to the other and cut off the excess cording.

Then I doubled the length of fabric I needed to go around the front and sides of the chair and ruffled it by hand down to the exact length I needed. I then attached the cording with pins and ran another straight stitch to hold them together.

Next I flipped my seat over and laid the skirt wrong side up and began to staple it around the edges. Making sure the piping was sitting right along the edge of the foam seat cushion. I just flipped my skirt up every few staples to make sure it was in place.

I know some of you upholstery experts are probably turning green at my methods here but I simply couldn’t think of a better way and this was easy and functional. In the end I think it turned out perfectly. It looks professional.

Oh and since I had this vase I wasn’t ready to pack away that I never bought flowers for I just couldn’t resist getting some pretty pink wild flowers from Hobby Lobby to top of the entire look. Aren’t they pretty and springy?!
