So naturally I shouted at Mr. Garden to “TURN AROUND!” and he laughs and says, “Gee, did you want me to turn around?”.
I found a beautiful three legged antique bench seat. Two men were having a yard sale which I found a bit on the odd side for the types of items they were selling, maybe they were a couple. I asked how much for the bench. He tells me they started the price at $240 that morning but after spending all day in the hot yard and having a few beers already he’d be happy with $50. I told him I’d give him half, cash and carry on the spot. $30 later I walked away with this beauty.
So I knew at some point when I found the perfect fabric for the perfect price I would change it out. It sat at the end of my bed for a while and has served it’s place in front of my sofa until I find the perfect coffee table for the perfect price =)
Fast forward to present day…. We had the carpets cleaned the other day. First time since we moved in last spring. Don’t you love fresh cleaned carpets?
All the furniture was stacked up in the entry and the kitchen while the carpets were getting their bath. And that’s when I saw it…
No? You don’t see it? Okay look closer.
One of the tension straps popped out. So while I fiddled with it to see if I would have to tear the bench apart to fix it I noticed this…
What in the world is that fantastic fabric under the blue stuff? Oh my, it was exciting just thinking about it as my main color pallet in my home is black and white. So…. naturally I started tearing it apart. The next day of course because the carpets were soaking wet. Do you know how long that day seemed? FOREVER!
I pulled out my big girl toys. I didn’t need anything fancy for this.
I love my staple remover, this is a must have for re-upholstering.
I took the screws out of each corner brace.
Popped the cushion off and took out all the staples. My heart started beating a little fast. I couldn’t wait to see it. But oh, would it be torn? Stained perhaps? I hoped someone just changed their decor and the fabric underneath would be perfect.
Want to see what I found?
Can you believe it? This beautiful black and white Toile fabric!! Of course my instincts were correct. There were some minor imperfections…
But with a little stain stick and some warm water later… I have a beautiful bench with no additional cost!
Yep this was the part where the angels came down and rejoiced. Happy dance!!!
so awesome!!! love that is was under there, great find.
very cute idea! You have such an amazing blog we are giving you a stylish blog award:]
visit our page to accept...and thanks for sharing just talent with us!
-Amanda @
Your word for this year should be "Serendipity"! How perfect!
Thanks for sharing it with us. I will be doing a bench re-do soon on my blog. I got the bench free from Freecycle. LOVE IT!
Artful Blessings,
P.S. I am having a Blogiversary Giveaway on my blog if you and your readers would like to join in the fun!
WOW! What a great find! How lucky are you? I love the toile and the bench is beee-you-ti-ful. Yeah for good bargains!
I love toile and I love this bench. Isn't it neat that it has six legs. Thanks for sharing. Terry
Score! What a fun surprise, thanks for sharing.
Oh this is a real CUTIE.. And to think you were waiting to find the perfect fabric. And it found you! So precious!
Wow, completely hilarious! That must have been so exciting! Couldn't be much easier and cheaper then that, could it?
wow, how lucky are you!! what a great bench
Amazing!!! I cannot believe the deal that you got on this gorgeous piece and to top it all off the lovely toile that was hidden underneath, be still my heart!! It's so beautiful!
Looks great! Fab bargain =)
I LOVE this bench! Those turned legs are just fabulous, and so hard to find, especially at that price!
I am inlove with this bench! thanks for sharing, Sommer!
Love the toile!!! Beautiful!!
What a lucky find! Go you! =) Why did anyone ever cover that up? It's beautiful! Love it!
Wow! Talk about hidden treasure! So glad you were able to get that stain out! Would love for you to show this off at my link party Gettin' Krafty With It on Tuesday!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that bench!!! What a great job!!!
I am a sucker for black and cream toile! You were really lucky. And that bench - wow! How pretty. I've never seen one with legs like that.
If you have time, I would love for you to link this post to my blog party at
So pretty! You've done a great job!
Gorgeous bench! It would be perfect in the guest room I am working on. I love all things toile.
Wow you scored big time!! I have fabric just like it that was given to me and I have a bench so think I'll just put those two together!!
what a cute little bench! and you got it for a steal! nice find :)
Wow Sommer!! You got SO lucky with that fabric under there! It's gorgeous! :)
Woo hoo!!! How fun is that?? So beautiful, too!
Beautiful! Love those kind of surprises :-) I linked over from Just A Girl!
Ya did good, girl! That's one gorgeous bench. My hubby says I've almost given him a heart attack a few times doing the same, "turn around" number. ;)
Thanks for linking your creative talent to my party each week.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Hi Sommer. You did it again! You were featured in last week's link-up party. I cant wait to see what you have for this week!
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